Friday, April 22, 2011

This Is Useless...I Want It

First, let me get the obligatory pop-culture reference out of the way: yes, Adam Jay is definitely Steve from 90210's creepy uncle. Fair enough. But, Uncle Adam, I am behind your product 100%. I've made it abundantly clear on this blog that I am always in favor of doing less, and yes, standing counts as doing. How overcome by jealous rage are you going to be the next time we're waiting in line at a bar, and I just whip this gem out of my cargo pants, take a seat, and start tossing back nips of Mr. Daniels like you read about? Green my friend. Fucking green with envy.

P.S. I don't actually own cargo pants anymore, so I'll probably just have Number One Smoosh carry my Pocket Chair around in her purse...she can stand. Bitches love standing.
P.P.S. Pretty mullet heavy blog today...perfect for the playoffs, eh?

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